How to Build Your Own Job Portal by Scraping Job Sites

How to Build Your Own Job Portal by Scraping Job Sites


A job portal that’s comprehensive and up-to-date can make a huge difference in today’s competitive job market. Building your own job portal by scraping job sites can provide you with a centralized platform tailored to your specific needs and preferences, unlike numerous job sites available on the internet.

Data is scraped from websites programmatically using web scraping. You can scrape job sites to gather job listings, company information, job descriptions, location details, salary ranges, and other relevant data, and store it in a structured format.

Here’s how to scrape job sites using Python and its powerful web scraping libraries to build your own job portal. We’ll cover everything from setting up the environment to extracting and storing the data, and finally, building a user-friendly web application to display the job listings.


Before we dive into the coding part, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  1. Python: You’ll need Python (version 3.6 or later) installed on your machine. You can download it from the official Python website (
  2. Web Scraping Libraries:
    • BeautifulSoup4: A library for parsing HTML and XML documents. We’ll be using this to extract data from the job listing pages.
    • Requests: A library for sending HTTP requests to fetch the HTML content of web pages.
    • Scrapy (optional): A powerful web scraping framework that can be used for more complex scraping tasks and handling challenges like IP blocking and rate limiting.

You can install these libraries using pip, Python’s package installer:

pip install beautifulsoup4 requests scrapy

Step 1: Choose Your Target Job Sites

The first step is to identify the job sites you want to scrape. Some popular options include Indeed, Monster, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and job boards specific to your industry or location. It’s a good idea to diversify your sources to ensure you have a comprehensive pool of job listings.

Keep in mind that some sites may have measures in place to prevent web scraping, such as IP blocking, rate limiting, or captcha challenges. It’s essential to review their terms of service and robots.txt file before proceeding to ensure you’re not violating any rules or regulations.

Step 2: Fetch the HTML Content

Once you’ve chosen your target job sites, you’ll need to fetch the HTML content of the job listing pages. This can be done using the requests library in Python.

import requests

access_token = '6JQrJqjVwEZ7EN584yap' #access_token = Get you access token from
url = f"<{access_token}&url=>"
response = requests.get(url)
html_content = response.content

In this example, we’re sending a GET request to the URL and storing the HTML content in the html_content variable.

If you encounter any issues with IP blocking or rate limiting, you may need to implement techniques like rotating proxies, adding delays between requests, or using the Scrapy framework, which provides built-in mechanisms for handling these challenges.

Step 3: Parse the HTML Content

After fetching the HTML content, you’ll need to parse it to extract the relevant data. This is where the BeautifulSoup library comes into play.

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "html.parser")

Here, we’re creating a BeautifulSoup object by passing the HTML content and specifying the parser to use ("html.parser" in this case).

Step 4: Extract the Job Listing Data

With the BeautifulSoup object, you can navigate through the HTML structure and extract the desired data. The specific code will depend on the structure of the job listing pages you’re scraping, but here’s an example of how you might extract job titles, company names, job descriptions, locations, and salary ranges:

job_listings = []

jobs = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'job-search-card'})

for job_element in jobs:
    title = job_element.find('h3', {'class': 'base-search-card__title'}).text.strip() if job_element.find('h3', {'class': 'base-search-card__title'}) else None
    company = job_element.find('h4', {'class': 'base-search-card__subtitle'}).text.strip() if job_element.find('h4', {'class': 'base-search-card__subtitle'}) else None
    url_element = job_element.find('a', {'class': 'base-card__full-link'})
    url = url_element.get('href') if url_element else None
    location = job_element.find('span', {'class': 'job-search-card__location'}).text.strip() if job_element.find('span', {'class': 'job-search-card__location'}) else None

    job_listing = {
        "title": title,
        "company": company,
        "location": location,
        "url": url,

In this example, we’re using the find_all method to locate all the HTML elements containing job listings (assuming they have a specific class or structure). Then, for each job listing element, we extract the job title, company name, job description, location, and salary range using the appropriate HTML tags and classes.

You may need to adjust this code based on the specific HTML structure of the job sites you’re scraping. Tools like browser developer tools or browser extensions like “SelectorGadget” can be helpful in identifying the relevant HTML elements and their attributes.

Step 5: Store the Data

After extracting the job listing data, you’ll need to store it in a structured format for easy access and analysis. There are several options available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Database: You can store the data in a database like SQLite, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. Databases offer efficient storage and retrieval, as well as querying capabilities. However, they may require additional setup and configuration.
  2. JSON or CSV files: Storing the data in JSON or CSV files is a simple and lightweight option, but it may not be as efficient for large datasets or complex querying.
  3. Elasticsearch: Elasticsearch is a powerful search and analytics engine that can be used to store and index the job listing data. It provides fast search and aggregation capabilities, making it a great choice for large datasets and complex queries.

Here’s an example of how you might store the job listing data in a JSON file:

import json

with open("job_listings.json", "w") as file:
    json.dump(job_listings, file, indent=4)

This code creates a new file called job_listings.json and writes the job listing data to it in JSON format.

Step 6: Build Your Job Portal

With the job listing data stored in a structured format, you can now build your job portal. This could involve creating a web application using a framework like Flask, Django, or FastAPI, or a static website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Here’s an example of how you might display the job listings on a Flask web application:

from flask import Flask, render_template
import json

app = Flask(__name__, template_folder='templates')

def home():
    with open("job_listings.json", "r") as file:
        job_listings = json.load(file)
    return render_template("index.html", job_listings=job_listings)

if __name__ == "__main__":

In this example, we’re loading the job listing data from the job_listings.json file and passing it to the index.html template, which can then be rendered to display the job listings on the web page.

Your job portal can incorporate various features to enhance the user experience, such as:

  • Search functionality: Implement search capabilities to allow users to search for job listings based on keywords, locations, companies, or other criteria.
  • Filters and sorting: Provide filters and sorting options to help users narrow down their search results based on preferences like job type, salary range, company size, or industry.
  • User accounts and personalization: Allow users to create accounts and save their search preferences, apply for jobs directly through the portal, and receive personalized job recommendations based on their profiles.
  • Email alerts and notifications: Set up email alerts or notifications to inform users about new job listings that match their interests or saved searches.
  • Integration with job sites: Integrate your job portal with popular job sites to provide users with a broader range of job listings and updates.
  • Responsive design: Ensure your job portal is mobile-friendly and provides a seamless experience across different devices.

Additional Considerations

While this blog post provides a comprehensive overview of how to build your own job portal by scraping job sites, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Ethical Scraping: Always review the terms of service and robots.txt file of the sites you’re scraping to ensure you’re not violating any rules or regulations. Some sites explicitly prohibit web scraping, and violating these terms could have legal consequences.
  2. Scraping Limitations and Challenges: In addition to IP blocking and rate limiting, you may encounter other challenges like CAPTCHAs, frequently changing HTML structures, or anti-scraping measures implemented by websites. You may need to implement techniques like headless browsing, machine learning-based content extraction, or using specialized scraping tools to overcome these challenges.
  3. Data Storage and Maintenance: As you continue to scrape job sites, your job listing data will grow. You’ll need to implement measures to ensure efficient storage and retrieval, as well as regularly update the data to keep it current. This may involve setting up scheduled scraping tasks, implementing data retention policies, or using caching mechanisms.
  4. User Experience and Performance: While having access to a centralized job portal is valuable, you’ll also need to focus on providing a great user experience. This could involve implementing features like lazy loading, pagination, or infinite scrolling to improve performance and ensure a smooth browsing experience, especially for large datasets.
  5. Legal Considerations: Depending on your location and the sites you’re scraping, there may be legal implications to consider, such as data privacy laws or intellectual property rights. It’s always a good idea to consult with a legal professional before proceeding with any web scraping project to ensure compliance.
  6. Scalability and Maintenance: As your job portal grows in popularity and usage, you’ll need to ensure it can scale to handle increased traffic and data volumes. This may involve implementing load balancing, caching mechanisms, or migrating to more robust infrastructure like cloud-based services.

Building your own job portal by scraping job sites can be a powerful tool in your job search arsenal. By following the steps outlined in this blog post and considering the additional factors mentioned, you can create a comprehensive and up-to-date job portal tailored to your specific needs and preferences, while providing a great user experience and staying compliant with legal and ethical guidelines.

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