How to Scrape eBay Using Python

How to Scrape eBay Using Python

A web scraper extracts structured data from websites automatically through an automated process. With the right tools and knowledge, you can unlock a wealth of valuable information from platforms like eBay, one of the world’s largest e-commerce marketplaces. Here we will explore a Python script that can scrape data from eBay’s search results in real time, giving you the ability to analyze, research, and build data-driven strategies.

The provided code utilizes popular Python libraries like BeautifulSoup and Requests to parse HTML and make HTTP requests. We’ll break down the script line by line, explaining its functionality and highlighting potential improvements to handle pagination, implement anti-scraping measures, and optimize data storage. By the end of this post, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to use this script effectively to scrape eBay’s product data while adhering to best practices for ethical and responsible web scraping.


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • BeautifulSoup4 library
  • Requests library
  • CSV module (optional, for saving data in CSV format)
  • JSON module (optional, for saving data in JSON format)

You can install the required libraries using pip:

pip install beautifulsoup4 requests

The Code Breakdown:

Importing Necessary Modules

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
import json

We start by importing the necessary modules: requests for making HTTP requests, BeautifulSoup for parsing HTML, csv for saving data in CSV format (optional), and json for saving data in JSON format (optional).

Obtaining an Access Token

access_token = 'L5vCo54nB7p1J8fZNh' #access_token = Get your access token from

The code you provided uses an access token from the QuickScraper API to bypass eBay’s anti-scraping measures. You’ll need to obtain your own access token by creating an account on the QuickScraper website (

Constructing the API URL

url = f"<{access_token}&url=>"

In this section, we construct the API URL that includes our access token and the target eBay URL. The _nkw parameter specifies the keyword we want to search for (in this case, “mobile”).

Making the Request and Parsing the HTML

response = requests.get(url)
html_content = response.content
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser')

We use the requests.get() function to fetch the HTML content of the eBay search results page via the QuickScraper API. We then pass the response content to the BeautifulSoup constructor to create a parsed HTML object (soup).

Extracting Product Information

productItems = soup.find_all('li', class_=['s-item','s-item__pl-on-bottom'])
products = []
for product in productItems:
    title = product.find('span', role=['heading']).text.strip() if product.find('span', role=['heading']) else None
    subTitle = product.find('div', class_=['s-item__subtitle']).text.strip() if product.find('div', class_=['s-item__subtitle']) else None
    price = product.find('span', class_=['s-item__price']).text.strip() if product.find('span', class_=['s-item__price']) else None
    url_element = product.find('a', {'class': 's-item__link'})
    url = url_element.get('href') if url_element else None
    foundItem = {
        "title": title,
        "subTitle": subTitle,
        "price": price,
        "url": url,

In this portion, we use BeautifulSoup to extract relevant data from the HTML. We find all the li elements with the classes 's-item' and 's-item__pl-on-bottom', which represent individual product listings.

For each product listing, we extract the title, subtitle, price, and product URL by navigating through the HTML structure using BeautifulSoup’s find() method and CSS selectors.

We store the extracted data in a dictionary (foundItem) and append it to the products list.

Saving Data to a JSON File

with open("products.json", "w") as file:
    json.dump(products, file, indent=4)

Finally, we save the extracted product data to a JSON file named products.json using the json.dump() function. The indent=4 parameter makes the JSON output more human-readable.

Potential Improvements: While the provided code works for scraping a single page of eBay search results, there are several potential improvements you can consider:

  1. Pagination: Implement logic to scrape multiple pages of search results by modifying the _pgn parameter in the API URL.
  2. Error Handling: Add error handling and retries to gracefully handle failed requests or temporary issues.
  3. Proxies and Rotating User-Agents: Use rotating proxies and User-Agent headers to mimic multiple users and avoid detection by eBay’s anti-scraping measures.
  4. Delays and Rate Limiting: Implement random delays between requests and limit the number of requests per second to avoid overwhelming eBay’s servers.
  5. Data Storage: Consider storing the scraped data in a more robust format, like a database or a CSV file, depending on your requirements.
  6. Scalability: If you plan to scrape a large number of products, consider optimizing the script for parallel processing or using a distributed scraping approach.

Anti-Scraping Measures and Best Practices:

Even when using the QuickScraper API, it’s essential to be mindful of eBay’s anti-scraping measures and terms of service. Always review and comply with eBay’s policies to ensure your scraping activities are ethical and legal.

Implement best practices such as respecting robots.txt, rotating IP addresses and User-Agents, adding delays between requests, handling errors gracefully, and limiting data collection to only what is necessary.


With the Python script provided, you can effectively scrape product data from eBay’s search results and save it as a JSON file. Remember to implement appropriate anti-scraping measures, handle errors gracefully, and respect eBay’s terms of service to ensure your scraping activities are responsible and ethical.

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